Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nathan's Latest Blog....

Hey Everyone,

Its Nathan! It's been a while since I have blogged...... I'm a slacker I know! LOL... I have had an amazing journey with Kelly during the planning of our wedding, and of course she has done more than I ever thought one person could do. I have been busy planning the honeymoon and getting all that lined up, and I think she will be very, very happy... the kicker is she doesn't know where we are going...Its a surprise folks!! ha ha.... I know that's mean, but it will be worth it. I get to see Kelly this weekend as we are playing in Macon, Ga, and I can't wait. I know that she had a great time with her friends this passed weekend, and I'm glad she got to do that. It is getting closer and closer to our big day, and it's really hard to believe that I'm getting married. I never thought that I would ever find THE ONE, but God has a plan for everyone. We have both been running, and have each shed a few pounds for our special day.... ok, ok so she is blowing me away as far as this goes. I just can't seem to get into it like she has, but I'm still trying! I hope to be blogging again soon so be on the look out for my new blogs leading up to the big day. If you scroll down a little further, I think Kelly wrote a blog today too...just didnt want you to miss anything!


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you for blogging today! And really proud of both you and Kelly shedding the pounds. It's really hard work! But you will love the way you look on your Big day! It's going to be great! I can't wait to go to this wedding! I love you both. You are very dear and special!!!!!
Tammy Wells

Kelly & Nathan said...

Thanks Tammy!! We love you too, very much and cant wait to share our big day with all of our friends!! Also...can't wait to see you this weekend!!!