Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. .....FINALLY

WOW!! Can you believe its almost Christmas??? Nathan and I are thrilled to be spending our first Christmas as Mr. and Mrs. in Georgia with our families! The wedding was beautiful and we would like to take a minute to thank all of you who helped to make our big day so PERFECT! We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives and we thank God for each and every one of you! If you missed it...I'll fill you in on some of the details. The rehearsal went smoothly and the dinner Mrs. Peggy arranged was AWESOME!!!! We had such a sweet time sharing memories and funny stories after we ate! The next day was hectic....but OH SO WORTH IT!! All the groomsmen were in chocolate tuxes and the ladies were beautiful in olive green! Peacock feathers were used to accent the green and it was BEAUTIFUL! The ceremony was led by our dear friends, and my pastors Billy and Shelisa Hull...it was so special! Nathan wrote and sang a song at the unity candle....sooooooooo sweet and I was so surprised as I thought Sonya was singing! After we said I DO we headed to the reception in a horse and carriage that Nate surprised me with..... where the bridal party and all our guests turned into dancing fools!! WHAT A BLAST!!! There was a pasta bar, complete with garlic bread and salad, along with chocolate fondue, and of course a kids table for all our younger guests! The cakes were beautiful...The wedding cake was key lime and chocolate and the grooms cake was three different size drums...SUPER CUTE!! We left after dancing with our friends to the light of sparklers...so pretty! Then we headed to St. Maarten for our honeymoon...which Nate will blog about next week! Thanks again for sharing our special day! It was more than we ever could have imagined!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Super close!! : )

WOW!! Never intended for these things to get so few and far between!! Things have been SUPER busy, but SUPER exciting! Mom and I have been busy finishing all the last minute things that have to be done! We've been making center pieces, ironing table cloths, chair covers, overlays, and sashes, making ribbon bouquets for the girls for rehearsal, fixing hospitality bags, and my personal favorite.... SHOPPING!! I decided to put my Grannie and Grandaddy to work on wedding favors and attaching match books to sparklers...which they did without complaining! They turned out nicely!! Thank you soooo much guys! In all the hustle and bustle I will admit I've been stressed, but have been very blessed to have WONDERFUL friends and family to push me through! You guys are the best and I wouldn't trade you for anything...well maybe a few of you! HA HA HA...joking, of course! God has surely blessed us beyond measure and Nathan and I are both grateful for his blessings! We are looking forward to seeing what God has in store for us! I guess Ive rambled on enough! Hoping to get at least one more blog in before the big day...but don't hold me to it, there is still a ton to do!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

You're Invited!!!

Hey yall!! Hope things are going great for everyone and that you are all geared up for the upcoming Holiday Season!! I know we sure are because its also "Wedding Season" for us! Nathan and I wanted to place an invite on our blog in an effort to be sure not to leave anyone out! We also placed a link on Facebook to the blog to make it more accessible! If you did not receive an invite by mail and wish to RSVP electronically, please send your name and the number that will be attending to kellycole_10@yahoo.com! We hope to see you all there, and hope that you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

Together with their parents
Kelly Nicole Williams
Nathan Timothy Fauscett
Invite you to share in the celebration
of their marriage and the joining
of their families
Saturday, the Twenty Eighth of November
Two Thousand and Nine
Six o'clock in the evening
First Baptist Church
Vidalia, Georgia
Reception to follow at the
Vidalia Community Center
107 Airport Road
Vidalia, Georgia

Monday, October 12, 2009

If the shoe fits....

WOW folks...Its been a while, and I do apologize! Things got soooo busy here lately! I moved back home with my parents, took a trip to see Nate in Myrtle Beach, spent a week with Nathan and my family, celebrated my sister-in-law's birthday, and had two showers!! My head is spinning...not to mention finsishing up all the last minute stuff for the wedding! This past weekend I had a shower in Hawkinsville and one in Valdosta! They both were so nice and Nathan and I are so grateful to know such wonderful, caring people who want to help make our lives together a success! We have recieved such nice gifts and kind words as well as special prayers from so many of our dear friends and family! Thank you all so much! Since we talked last me and some of the bridesmaids have been busy shoe shopping!! Why do women like shoes so much you ask!?!?! Because the size is constant folks, and it seldom goes up! LOL The bridesmaids have been searching for the perfect shoe to go with their dresses, that came in this week I might add! We are all so excited, and had alot of fun searching for the right shoe! I will post some pics of our search and let you all decide on what shoe you like best! We tried alot of styles and colors, but finally found the right one!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Adventures in Kellyland....

Hey everyone, Kate here!! I am so thrilled to be a part of this with Kelly. She is such a beautiful and amazing person who is such a positive influence in the lives of so many people!
This is my first blog on the here so I’ve got plenty to talk about, but I’ll try to keep it short so I don’t lose your attention!
This weekend was definitely one for the books. We all laughed and we all cried, but in the end it was a great weekend! Friday night we all arrived at Kelly’s Aunt Barbara’s house to learn a little about Fondue, and it was DELISH! We played some “High Cotton” where Kelly ended the night as the Ultimate High Cotton Queen! (pics to follow soon!) How appropriate right? We called it an early night since we knew we had a lot to do on Saturday.
Saturday morning Kelly and I got up bright and early for a quick jog, then got ready to go for her very first fitting for her dress, and to pick out shoes for her and the bridesmaids. After missing the exit, and some funny banter in the car we made our way to David’s Bridal. We found the shoes and Kelly tried on her dress. And that’s when the day got interesting to say the least! Kelly has done such a great job exercising and eating healthy that the seamstress was shocked at how large the dress was on her. She was pretty much told that a new dress would be in order. So after getting our thoughts together we sat out on a mad dash through out the store to gather up ALL the dresses that would be a good fit for the Bride. After the last dress was tried on, we all decided that Kelly should check out some other stores after she’s had sometime to clear her mind.
So we went home and Aunt Barbara cooked up some yummy stir fry. She also made an itinerary for Sunday. Sunday we all got up and got ready to set out on our next adventure….Morrow, GA. After perusing through the dresses the Store Manager convinced Kelly to try on her original dress to see what she thought of it. Much to our surprise she was very confident in the fact that the dress could be altered, and that the searching for a new dress could end! PHEW!! Now that the bride’s dress issue had been resolved and a veil was found, the search was on for the Mother of the Bride to find the perfect dress!!
Debs tried on quite a few dresses, which were all beautiful! It was the day for dress issues to be resolved apparently because she found a gorgeous dress that looked so beautiful on her!!! One thing to make this day better…it was half of half off!!! YAY DEBS!!!
To say this weekend was an emotional rollercoaster is putting it lightly, but we are all confident in the fact that we serve a Mighty God, who can ALTER all things!! I’m sure pictures from the weekend will be up soon! See you all November 28th!!!


Our Hostess for the Weekend, Aunt Barbara

Our Favorite Bride and Ultimate High Cotton Queen

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What a Weekend!!

WOW!! Just settling in from a busy, but super fun weekend! The fun began on Thursday of last week! My wonderful friends Tammy, Lucy, and Zoie picked me up in Valdosta on Thursday night, and we all headed to Hawkinsville! When we arrived Ms. Peggy had cooked a wonderful dinner, which we all "inhaled." Ms. Kemper also came over, which was a treat! We all love her so much! After dinner we hung out and fellowshiped before going to bed so that we could be rested up for the Isaacs Concert on the following day.

The next morning after Nathan got into town we GOT OUR MARRIAGE LICENSE!!! YAY...its almost official..ha ha ha! And then we headed to spend the day at the venue where they would be playing later that night. The concert was WONDERFUL...they really out did themselves, as usual! It was sad when it was over becasue Nathan had to leave, but I will see him again soon. On Saturday, Mom and I went shopping for her dress..which we did not find! She did however, find a stunning dress for the bridesmaids luncheon and a gorgeous chiffon pant suit for the rehearsal. Later we met my Grannie and my Aunt Barbara to shop for Grannie's dress!! She found two gorgeous dresses, one for the wedding, and one for the luncheon. After shopping we headed to Aunt Barbara's house where she taught me to make sushi!! That's right folks, Kelly Williams "Fauscett" Sushi Chef!! LOL After enjoying our sushi we played a fun game called High Cotton that I would reccomend highly...especially for a girls night!

The next day we got ready for the shower, had an excellent lunch with my cousin Talisha and her husband Chad, Thanks Aunt Barbara, and then headed to Hawkinsville....Unfortunately we were slightly late, due to the fact that the GPS took us in three complete circles before we could figure out what was going on...ooops! Once we made it, everything was sooo nice! Nathan and I were so blessed by all of the generosity exhibited by the families in his home church! We recieved so many nice things that will be perfect for our new home! Thank you all sooooooooo much for making this time so very special! After the shower we were all exhausted! Mom and Grannie headed to Dublin and Mindy and I headed to Valdosta! All in all it was extremely busy, but extremely worth it! :)

Oh...and I havent forgotten about the pics from the girls weekend...Ladies if you have pics from the shindig please email them to me so I can get them posted! Thanks!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Nathan's Latest Blog....

Hey Everyone,

Its Nathan! It's been a while since I have blogged...... I'm a slacker I know! LOL... I have had an amazing journey with Kelly during the planning of our wedding, and of course she has done more than I ever thought one person could do. I have been busy planning the honeymoon and getting all that lined up, and I think she will be very, very happy... the kicker is she doesn't know where we are going...Its a surprise folks!! ha ha.... I know that's mean, but it will be worth it. I get to see Kelly this weekend as we are playing in Macon, Ga, and I can't wait. I know that she had a great time with her friends this passed weekend, and I'm glad she got to do that. It is getting closer and closer to our big day, and it's really hard to believe that I'm getting married. I never thought that I would ever find THE ONE, but God has a plan for everyone. We have both been running, and have each shed a few pounds for our special day.... ok, ok so she is blowing me away as far as this goes. I just can't seem to get into it like she has, but I'm still trying! I hope to be blogging again soon so be on the look out for my new blogs leading up to the big day. If you scroll down a little further, I think Kelly wrote a blog today too...just didnt want you to miss anything!


Ok...Well first off I want to thank you all for your votes! Looks like most of you guys are thinking that number 1 is the winner, with number 8 running a close second! And Gina is right folks...you will all have to wait until November 28th to see the actual pick! The big day is quickly approaching and we could not be more thrilled, excited...and a little nervous! LOL...This past weekend I got to spend some time with many of my closest freinds for a girls weekend, and we had a blast! Hopefully I can get some pics of the bash posted soon for all of you to "enjoy".... Nathan has promised me that he is blogging later today, so lets see if we can encourage him to get it done!!!!! He needs a little "push" every now and then ; ) The Isaccs will be playing in GEORGIA this weekend which is actually pretty rare! They will be in Macon, which is pretty close to home for me, and of course, I will be attending! If you are anywhere within driving distance I would surely love to see you there! Im super excited about seeing Nathan, as well as many of our friends who will be attending! My parents are going as well so if you are attending and haven't gotten the chance to meet them, they'd love to meet you...and so would I! Lately we have been putting the finishing touches on our plans for the big day, and it seems like there is still sooo much left to do! I will be moiving back home to Vidalia at the end of this month which will be good so that Mom and I can finish getting everything all finished up....but at the same time it will also be sad...can't think about that part now : ( Alrighty...Lets see if Nate will blog today, and then hopefully I can get those pics up soon! Love you all and hope to see you very soon!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The blog you've been waiting for....Silly girls....your chance to vote!

This is it Folks....the one I think will be lots of fun if you all participate!!! Came across some photos that gave Mom a great idea for a blog....so I stole it! Sorry Mom.... I wanted to post some pics of some of my bridesmaids trying on dresses. Then I decided to let you guys vote on which dress you think made the final cut!! Post your vote and we will tally them up and announce your picks!!! SHHHH...don't tell girls! If you know, you can't vote...but I know everyone would like to hear form all of my "lovely ladies!!"

Choice # 1

Choice #2

Choice #3

Choice #4

Choice #5

Choice #6

Choice #7

Choice #8

Choice #9

choice #10

Choice #11

Choice #12

choice #13...ha ha ha

choice #14

Choice #15

Choice #16

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How we met!!

Many of you have asked how Nathan and I met...thought I would take a minute to sum it up for you guys.....Nathan and I met through a mutual friend...who is now my roommate. He used to call and talk to our pal for as long as I had known her and occasionally I would get on the phone and chat with him. I thought he was a complete goof-ball, but loved his sense of humor. When Mindy , the roommie, asked if I wanted to go with her to the Isaacs concert in Hawkinsville last year I agreed...reluctantly, due to a nasty cold that had me in somewhat of a funk.....would prove later to be an excellent decision. When I saw Nathan I remember leaning over to my friend Kate, who also went to the concert that night, and making a comment about how attractive I thought the drummer was!! Later the following week I sent Nate a message to let him know how much I enjoyed their music...the exact words were something along the lines of "the Isaacs rocked my face off".....yeah...wow ....surprised I ever got a response....and yeah well the rest is pretty much history. A little more than a month later we were dating and on our official "first date" at Hoofer's Gospel Barn (one of The Isaacs concerts.) Later that night on my way back home from the concert with Ms. Peggy, Nathan's mom, my mother called to inform me that my grandma had lost her battle with pancreatic cancer just moments earlier. As you would imagine I was devastated, but Ms. Peggy was so sympathetic to my situation, as she had lost her husband Byron the previous year. I traveled home to Vidalia for the funeral, broken hearted that my grandmother had passed and that Nathan was so far away in Tennessee. The morning of the funeral I looked out of the window of the church to see Nathan, in a suit hee hee....he and his mother had come to be with me and my family during that difficult time! I was shocked, and truly blessed by the fact that he had driven so far to comfort me in my time of need. So I guess you could say that our second date was a funeral and a bereavement meal....all jokes aside I consider myself truly blessed by God to know and love such a wonderful, caring, selfless man.....My grandma would be so impressed by his character and his devotion to Jesus Christ and to her grandaughter.

*** The "fun" blog is coming next! Gonna ask you guys to take a vote...so get ready!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


WOW...I have so much to blog about...its hard to decide which one to post first! I'm gonna keep you waiting on the one I talked about earlier, although I am very gald to see some new faces on the followers list! Thanks guys! Nathan is in Georgia for his vacation and this past Friday we had our first shower! It was a couple's shower hosted by some of my wonderful family and friends! The theme was a luau and we had a blast! Nathan got to meet many of my friends that had not yet had the chance to meet him, and I got to catch up with old friends! It was so great to see all of their faces and hear about the things that have been going on in their lives! We were outside by the pool, which was very nice! The decorations were so cute and very colorful! My Aunt Barbara made a fruit volcano, which was pretty awesome! We chowed down on a Low Country Boil, complete with shrimp, sausage, potatos, and corn....YUMMY! Everyone was dressed in brightly colored clothes, and there was even a hawaiian shirt or two in the crowd! Nathan and I recieved so many wonderful gifts from our friends and family, and we cant wait to put all of them to good use, but the most precious gift of all was the time and effort put in by all of the people who gave and attended the shower! We are soooo blessed and we love all of you very very much! I decided to post a few pics form the Luau...Enjoy!

Me and my beautiful Mom

Chad And Grandaddy...Doing what they do best ; )

Fruit Volcano

Low Country Boil

Ms. Peggy...Looking at crazy Nate no doubt!! LOL

Me and My gorgeous Sister-in-law

Our Cake

M-n-M : )

PS....IF you have more pics send them to me!! I'm missing alot of folks in these pics!