Monday, September 21, 2009

Adventures in Kellyland....

Hey everyone, Kate here!! I am so thrilled to be a part of this with Kelly. She is such a beautiful and amazing person who is such a positive influence in the lives of so many people!
This is my first blog on the here so I’ve got plenty to talk about, but I’ll try to keep it short so I don’t lose your attention!
This weekend was definitely one for the books. We all laughed and we all cried, but in the end it was a great weekend! Friday night we all arrived at Kelly’s Aunt Barbara’s house to learn a little about Fondue, and it was DELISH! We played some “High Cotton” where Kelly ended the night as the Ultimate High Cotton Queen! (pics to follow soon!) How appropriate right? We called it an early night since we knew we had a lot to do on Saturday.
Saturday morning Kelly and I got up bright and early for a quick jog, then got ready to go for her very first fitting for her dress, and to pick out shoes for her and the bridesmaids. After missing the exit, and some funny banter in the car we made our way to David’s Bridal. We found the shoes and Kelly tried on her dress. And that’s when the day got interesting to say the least! Kelly has done such a great job exercising and eating healthy that the seamstress was shocked at how large the dress was on her. She was pretty much told that a new dress would be in order. So after getting our thoughts together we sat out on a mad dash through out the store to gather up ALL the dresses that would be a good fit for the Bride. After the last dress was tried on, we all decided that Kelly should check out some other stores after she’s had sometime to clear her mind.
So we went home and Aunt Barbara cooked up some yummy stir fry. She also made an itinerary for Sunday. Sunday we all got up and got ready to set out on our next adventure….Morrow, GA. After perusing through the dresses the Store Manager convinced Kelly to try on her original dress to see what she thought of it. Much to our surprise she was very confident in the fact that the dress could be altered, and that the searching for a new dress could end! PHEW!! Now that the bride’s dress issue had been resolved and a veil was found, the search was on for the Mother of the Bride to find the perfect dress!!
Debs tried on quite a few dresses, which were all beautiful! It was the day for dress issues to be resolved apparently because she found a gorgeous dress that looked so beautiful on her!!! One thing to make this day better…it was half of half off!!! YAY DEBS!!!
To say this weekend was an emotional rollercoaster is putting it lightly, but we are all confident in the fact that we serve a Mighty God, who can ALTER all things!! I’m sure pictures from the weekend will be up soon! See you all November 28th!!!


Our Hostess for the Weekend, Aunt Barbara

Our Favorite Bride and Ultimate High Cotton Queen


Kelly & Nathan said...

Thanks so much for blogging Kate! And I already e mailed Mom to remind her to send some pics we can post!!

Debs said...

Boy Kate! You did an amazing job on summarizing this weekend. I don’t think I could have done it. Mine would have been much more detailed that I’m sure everyone would have cared less about. Everybody has memories of things that went wrong with their wedding that may not have been funny at the time but as times goes by become funny. With all that said I’m sure one day (not now) Kelly will laugh at this just as I learned to laugh about leaving all my clothes when I left for my honeymoon and having my father bring them to me that night! Oh my, the memories we all have. Maybe that would be a fun blog hearing from others about the silly things that happened on their wedding day.
Great job Kate!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad all the dress drama is over!!! Kelly does look AMAZING!!! She has done an awesome job with weight lose and running! She is an inpiration! I cant wait to see her in her gown. It will be an emotional day for sure. Glad I will get to be a part of it. By the way Kate, great job on reporting on the dress drama!!! Can't wait to see you all looking lovely for the BIG day! Much love to you all, Tammy

Kelly & Nathan said...

Im posting the pics to the blog today! enjoy!

kanishk said...

thanks for shairing
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