Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What a Weekend!!

WOW!! Just settling in from a busy, but super fun weekend! The fun began on Thursday of last week! My wonderful friends Tammy, Lucy, and Zoie picked me up in Valdosta on Thursday night, and we all headed to Hawkinsville! When we arrived Ms. Peggy had cooked a wonderful dinner, which we all "inhaled." Ms. Kemper also came over, which was a treat! We all love her so much! After dinner we hung out and fellowshiped before going to bed so that we could be rested up for the Isaacs Concert on the following day.

The next morning after Nathan got into town we GOT OUR MARRIAGE LICENSE!!! YAY...its almost official..ha ha ha! And then we headed to spend the day at the venue where they would be playing later that night. The concert was WONDERFUL...they really out did themselves, as usual! It was sad when it was over becasue Nathan had to leave, but I will see him again soon. On Saturday, Mom and I went shopping for her dress..which we did not find! She did however, find a stunning dress for the bridesmaids luncheon and a gorgeous chiffon pant suit for the rehearsal. Later we met my Grannie and my Aunt Barbara to shop for Grannie's dress!! She found two gorgeous dresses, one for the wedding, and one for the luncheon. After shopping we headed to Aunt Barbara's house where she taught me to make sushi!! That's right folks, Kelly Williams "Fauscett" Sushi Chef!! LOL After enjoying our sushi we played a fun game called High Cotton that I would reccomend highly...especially for a girls night!

The next day we got ready for the shower, had an excellent lunch with my cousin Talisha and her husband Chad, Thanks Aunt Barbara, and then headed to Hawkinsville....Unfortunately we were slightly late, due to the fact that the GPS took us in three complete circles before we could figure out what was going on...ooops! Once we made it, everything was sooo nice! Nathan and I were so blessed by all of the generosity exhibited by the families in his home church! We recieved so many nice things that will be perfect for our new home! Thank you all sooooooooo much for making this time so very special! After the shower we were all exhausted! Mom and Grannie headed to Dublin and Mindy and I headed to Valdosta! All in all it was extremely busy, but extremely worth it! :)

Oh...and I havent forgotten about the pics from the girls weekend...Ladies if you have pics from the shindig please email them to me so I can get them posted! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Kelly you are so right! We did have an awesome time that was over much to soon! The food, fun and fellowship were just the best. The Isaacs concert was Beyond AMAZING!!! They are sounding better than ever, if that is even possible!!!! Zoie really enjoyed it too! She was so thrilled when Mr. Ben sang, All the Chapel Bells were ringing. Zoie's favorite! She was even more thrilled that Miss Sonya dedicated a song to both of us. They are just the best!!!! I'm so pleased that we got to come up for even a short time.
So nice to see everyone. Glad that Miss Kemper is up and about! Just love her!!! And Peggy is just the BEST!!!!! It was a great weekend. I hope to have many more just like it. It was wonderful to see my Ga. Peaches! Love Ya! Tammy

Kelly & Nathan said...

I agree Tammy!!! THe Is were awesome!! You guys must come visit in TN!!

kanishk said...

They are just the best!!!!
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