Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Road trip??? Girls Weekend!!

Well I decided for whatever reason that this had been an uneventful summer, why I came to that conclusion I haven't a clue because I have been plenty busy....So Mindy and I decided to hit the road on last Thursday afternoon and surprise Nate and the rest of the gang in Opp, Al! We got there about 3 hrs before the concert began which gave us some time to spend with Nathan and Ben who were still setting up! The concert was wonderful and it was good to be able to spend a brief moment after the concert catching up with the girls! We wanted to get back to Georgia at a decent hour so that we would be well rested for part two of the trip on Friday. Mindy and I had agreed to dog sit for Kate and her parents in Savannah and we decided to squeeze in some fun while we were at it! I called one of my bridesmaids and best friends from home and asked her to join us. She decided it was just what the doctor ordered and by 5 we were all in Savannah and ready to see what there was to get into. After filling Susan in on all the wedding plans we decided to try some Moroccan Cuisine at a restaurant in the downtown area called "Casbah!" It was soooo much fun and very delicious! The place was dimly lit and elaborately decorated with all sorts of Moroccan accents. We were greeted by our wait staff who were all dressed the part, and super courteous! It is a Moroccan custom to have your hands washed before and after the meal with a special citrus water of sorts! It became very interesting when the waiter explained to us that Moroccans also use the bathroom and spit in these same washing pots, after he began washing our hands! We were very glad to hear that he was just joking! It became even more interesting after he began washing Mindy's hands while explaining what was in the water, and I shouted "Oh my gosh! She's allergic to lemon!" This was the perfect payback for the joke he had played on us should have seen the panic on his face until we all busted out laughing! Then the entertainment began, complete with a live belly dancer who was amazing! We all enjoyed lamb kabobs, saffron rice, specially prepared green beans, and carrots, and cous cous! It was very tasty and very different than anything I had tried before! We then said farewell to Casbah and headed out to get lost! Which we did very well! We were trying to get to River Street but walked in the wrong direction...Thanks actually it was a collaborative effort! After being lost in downtown Savannah for about 45 min, which was spooky, we finally found Spanky's on River Street (along with Mindy's younger cousins and Aunt and Uncle) where there was karaoke!! YAY!! We sang our hearts out and had a wonderful time : ) We did some duets which Mindy's cousin Kelly joined in on and Susan even sang a solo, that was very beautiful I might add! After deciding to leave we realized due to the fact that we had gotten lost we had no idea how to get back to our car, not to mention the fact that Susan and Mindy wore the WRONG shoes to get lost in! The pics will prove it! We had a nice cab driver take us back to our car and we drove back to Kate's singing some more "car karaoke." All in all it was a ton of fun!!!! Mindy and I will be heading to Brandon, Fl for the Fourth to see Tammy and her family and hopefully we can convince Tammy to blog all about it!

Us outside the Restaurant!!

Ready to eat : )

Mindy getting her hands washed...right before the shocker ...l0l

Susan's battle scars.....Beauty is Pain!! LOL


TamTam said...

Kelly, you girls know how to have some fun! We might be boring after all of that. We may just have to look at all the new paint on the wall for entertainment. LOL! No.... we will figure something out to do, even if it's just shopping. Can't wait to see you girls! Love Ya!

Kelly & Nathan said...

Shopping sounds fun to me Tammy!! We have fun with you guys no matter what...even looking at paint could be fun I'm sure ..hee hee! We are looking forward to the trip! Love you too : )

Debs said...

Where ever Kelly goes there is always drama or something going on. But always a laugh or two to go along with it. Tammy beware!

TamTam said...

We had a awesome time with Kelly and Mindy, a.ka. the Ga. Peaches! WE ate good food and relaxed in the pool and fellowshipped. One of us got too much sun but she recovering!
Our time went by way to fast and we miss the peaches so much.
We are soooo excited about the wedding. Can't wait.
Oh and by the way, I got two phone calls from Nathan that weekend and now nothing! LOL! Oh well I'll forgive him. Hope to see ya'll soon! Love Ya!

Kelly & Nathan said...

I was gonna give you the login info so you could do a blog, but you just went ahead and did your than girl! Love it : )